Online Activities > Online Lecture - Carlos Bayod LuciniWe are happy to announce our next online activity, organized by PhD students: Displacements, online lecture by Project Director at Factum Foundation, Carlos Bayod Lucini – March 19, 2021 11h CET. The lecture will be introduced by PhD Candidate Ji Eun Park. Information on how to join: ZOOM link: https://zoom.univ-paris1.fr/j/91481664036?pwd=b0xEVGVNMFdYekpiTGFpM3ExVjY2QT09 Passcode: 155197 ID: 914 8166 4036 Digital technology allows us to establish new modes of interaction with our shared cultural heritage, allowing multiple mediations between the physical and the virtual environments in which we relate to historic artifacts. The 3D documentation of the surface of things can be essential for understanding their complex trajectories and to transmit their importance to new audiences, becoming an invaluable source of data for the creation of facsimiles. A physical or virtual reproduction has the potential of generating a re-allocation of the qualities traditionally assigned only to the original. Because of these displacements of meaning, a facsimile can increase the value of the original, contributing to its preservation and making it accessible for authentic cultural experiences. The Lucida 3D Scanner recording the surface of Caravaggio’s Burial of Saint Lucy © Factum Foundation Carlos Bayod Lucini is Project Director at Factum Foundation. His work is dedicated to the development and application of digital technology to the recording, study and dissemination of cultural heritage. Carlos received an MS in Architecture from the Technical University of Madrid and is a PhD candidate at the Department of Art Theory and History at the Autonomous University of Madrid. He has taught at Columbia University - GSAPP’s Historic Preservation Program and lectured extensively worldwide. Ji Eun Park is a PhD candidate in geography at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (EIREST Laboratory) since 2016. Her research fields are heritage tourism and sustainable development, as well as museums and cultural mediation as a guide/lecturer in history of art. Park worked as an intern for six months at the UNESCO World Heritage Centre in Paris and worked at some museums, while participating in several research projects in France and South Korea. Announcement PDF – Carlos Bayod Lucini, Online lecture – Displacements |
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