Workshop Proceedings

We are really happy to share with you the Proceedings of the first Una Europa PhD Workshop on “Cultural Heritage”

The PhD Workshop "Heritage Hybridisations: Concepts, Scales and Spaces" took place online on May 10-12, 2021. It gathered 35 PhD students as well as a large number of researchers and thesis supervisors from all Una Europa universities. During these three days, we all had a possibility not only to listen and to discuss the sessions students prepared, based on the commonalities they identified among their research; but we also had a great pleasure to follow the keynote lectures and round tables of some of the world’s most prominent academics in the field of cultural heritage studies. The programme also involved some more informal events: virtual visits, 3 Minute Thesis Competition, a Streaming Party and a farewell Party on Gatherly.

The whole Workshop process lasted from June 2020, and was based on student active participation and collaboration. During this time, PhD students were invited to reflect on the way in which cultural heritage - material or immaterial - is created through the intermingling of people, ideas, styles or periods... The result is a dense and exciting volume, which revisits the themes of the doctoral students’ theses through the perspective of heritage hybridizations.

The volume materializes the richness of our doctoral students’ ideas and, beyond that, the extraordinary research ecosystem of Una Europa.

It also presents the very rich program of lectures organized online from October 2020 to May 2021, which have involved important international researchers and professionals in the field of cultural heritage.

The texts were compiled by Professor Maria Gravari-Barbas and Post-doc Isidora Stanković, who was also responsible for the design of the publication.

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